Friday, August 1, 2008

Fabulously Friday

Friday happy dance time!! *dance dance dance dance*

We have a new receptionist at work, her name is Ashley, but I call her Sashley, just for fun ;o) She is hilarious, I love her already! I really hope that she'll stay with us for a while, we've kind of had hard luck with receptionists lately :o\ Its not even our fault though, and the temp agency just keeps sending them so I guess its all good. This one is awesome though. She's funny, upbeat and really competent at the job, which kind of comes in handy. I don't know about our existing receptionist though, she's going through a divorce and she's changing her attitude alot. More than one person have said something about it to me and I have to agree. She's been "separated" about a month or two now and she's already got a "boyfriend", she's slept around and just, UGH. Drama from her is nonstop and I feel like she feeds off it. That is never good in a small office!

I have a friend who's going through a divorce right now and he seems to be just really...down. I mean, of course he would be, but he lives far and I don't really know what to say to him to help him through this hard time. He is an amazing guy (who actually admits his own faults in the marriage, THAT is hard to find!) who was totally taken for granted. I'm very sad for him that this is happening because I know its just not ever what he wanted but after the way she treated him I can't say I'm sorry that it is happening. I think he's going to be happy, at least I truly hope he is, he just has to heal through the hard parts. :o( I wish I knew what to say and how to help him. There have been several instances that he's helped me immensely, I wish I could return the favor.

Bella still seems to be trucking, although we did not have any production yesterday, gr. I gave her some Lactulose last night and I had a small sample in her box this evening. We'll see. Hopefully we can get through the weekend without any vomiting! I'd consider it a success ;o)

Enjoy your weekends!

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