Thursday, January 24, 2008

In Black & White

Jen and my house is pretty loosely themed. Our kitchen is a retro mess that we haven't touched but our living room, dining room and hall way (when we're done painting at least!) blend seamlessly. Our bathroom is a powder-blue and chocolate. I had originally decided to do a black and white elegant-chic room and Jen decided she wanted black and white too. So they'll be totally different, but they'll both be black and white. So far, though slowly, they're both coming together really really nicely. I think all I need still for mine is some fabric to make the curtains, cushions for my bench and chair (that I don't have yet!), a small table for my computer and a chair for that along with some black and white fabric to make throw pillows with.

One of my Christmas presents was a sewing machine so now I'm Holly-effing-hobby! I had the skill before, but a means to get it done in a reasonable amount of time so now that I have a machine my mind is a flutter with ideas for projects! I can't wait to have money for fabric so I can get started already!!

I really think that our rooms are going to be gorgeous when we're done. I know that black and white sounds depressing but it won't be...they're going to be elegant but comfortable!

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