Friday, December 28, 2007

Another day, another lesson learned

Tone deaf-ness is a terribly ugly thing that I never believe that I suffered from, until tonight. Unfortunately for those around me I love to sing and plan to continue regardless of my apparent inability to carry a tune. Still, for my birthday I bought myself a new-fangled Karaoke machine that is really just a microphone that plugs into your television. I thought it would donate some good times to my boredom whilst I'm home alone. I was right and wrong.

While it did give me a healthy and fun activity for about fifteen minutes it also dashed all my repressed dreams of ever becoming a super famous rock star because of this one simple fact: I cannot sing. And its okay, I've come to terms with it. Unfortunately for myself, and anyone who inadvertently comes a crossed it, I labored under the false impression that it might be fun to video tape my make-shift rock show. Mistake number one.

Then I decided, once the couple of songs were over, to watch said video recording thus leading me to mistake number two. It was horrendous and I sat here appalled as poor Bella actually flattened her ears against her furry little head. After spending a moment in dreaded silence I picked my jaw up off the floor, recorded over the songs I'd just massacred and put the video tape back, inconspicuously, on the shelf. Now only those few who happen across this blog entry will know of the horridness that was this experience.

Now, don't for a second think that any of the above will ward off future use of this nifty little device as I plan to sing loud and often because whether you sing well or poor its still alot of fun.

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