Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Happy Re-Birthday!

I've had Bella two years ago today! She's FOUR! I consider this her "re-birth"-day because it was the day she came home with me and ended her life of being abused FOREVER. Of course for some reason my Catster page INSISTS that she's six! Whatever!!

I bought her some treats, she hasn't had any non-diet kitty treats since I put her on her diet so they make her uber happy! And I also bought her two toys for her kitty re-birthday! She also ate a TON of steak but thats only because I turned my back too long HEHE.

I can't BELIEVE how skinny she's gotten compared to that picture! She's like a whole new kitty cat! Yay.

I have two more pieces of news: 1.) I read my nano novel from last year "The Heart of Shamahley" and LOVED IT. LOVED IT. I can't believe I wrote it!! If you'd asked me a month ago I'd have told you it was the worst thing I've ever written! So not. I got CHILLS while reading it today, it was awesome! I'm alive with ideas for editing it...its very exciting.

The second piece of news (Namely, 2.)) is that Doc still hasn't found me a car so until he does I'm going to be driving around a Lincoln Continental. Yeah. Its a boat, not a car ;o) I'm cool with it though. As long as it drives I'm happy as a freakin' clam! It probably won't have a CD player or AC though, boo. Still, totally excited.

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