Friday, January 4, 2008

Finally Friday

I couldn't be happier that the weekend is here. I'm mentally and physically exhausted and I only had to work three days this week and last. I don't know what I'll do next week; I've gotten so spoiled! Nothing much has happened this week.

One of my favorite cats that comes to our hospital, Jackson, is there now and he's really sick. When his owner came in with him on *thinks* Wednesday (I think!) I really thought (yep, wednesday!) he would have passed away by the time I walked in on Thursday morning. See, thats the part of my job that I hate. I get to spend all this time with these awesome animals and I get attached to them and then eventually I have to see them die. And sometimes I don't just have to see them die, I have to help them die. Its so hard. I won't be able to do it if it comes to that with Jackson, really not. He's just such a COOL cat. There is only one sentence that can describe this cat: He's Jackson. No really. He's just got his own little personality, very very distinct likes and dislikes. I think he knows we're trying to help him, he's being very tolerant with us. We are doing absolutely everything possible for this guy, but he's only responding in attitude and not anything substantial or measurable. He ate a tiny bit today, but not enough. I am worried that if he's still there on Monday I'll have to force feed him. That will NOT be easy or fun but I WILL do it. I feel like thats part of what I agreed to do when I took this job. I will do anything that I can for these animals. And as much as that helps me in my job it also hinders me because I treat every single animal that comes through the door as my own and it hurts more when they're gone, but it also feels better when they get to go home. Even though Lilly relapsed and died I know that I made a difference in not only her life, but in the lives of her owners. I would want the same for Bella.

Other than that nothing is really going on in my life. Jenna and I are trying to maintain a very strained friendship but we've been friends for so long it wouldn't just be losing a friend if we gave up, it would be losing a sister and neither of us could handle that.

I have some pictures to post!

Okay this first picture is Bella in her Christmas dress, her favorite fish under her paws, right after opening her stocking on Christmas morning.

this is her in her playmate shirt; a gift to her from my mom. ignore the crap under our table. I don't know what it is, looks like a towel or something. I couldn't tell you since its not there anymore.

this picture is a picture of what i would say is pretty much a typical afternoon at the hospital. that's Dr. P listening to a book on tape, reading a comic and waiting for his game to load on his laptop. chilling with him, behind the laptop, is wilbur, one of the office cats.

last but not least is a picture of the biggest cat i've ever seen. ignore my hideousness. i'm sick and i have to wear my hair pulled back completely out of my face at work. add to that the fact that my scrub top is about (literally) 2 sizes too big and you get one very stumpy looking me! cell pics suck, y'all know i don't really look like that. in the first pic the guy behind me is Doc, the owner of the clinic. he's not short, just stooping down to pose with me and Toby. cat's 27lbs btw.

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